Modern Slavery Policy

Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abuse and gross violation of human rights.

Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abuse and gross violation of human rights. This statement sets out actions to be taken by Marketing Signals Limited and its subsidiaries (“Marketing Signals”), to prevent slavery and trafficking in its business activities and supply chains. Marketing Signals expects its suppliers to respect and follow this statement as a contract.

Marketing Signals promotes ethical business practices and policies that protect workers from being abused and exploited in its own organisation and in its supply chains.

Ensuring Standards in our Supply Chain

We are unaware of any human trafficking or slavery activities within our supply chain and contractually require all new suppliers to comply with the UK government’s anti-slavery legislation (Modern Slavery Act 2015). In 2023, we began the process of working with our largest suppliers to ask them to report their progress to us on a number of Environmental and Social Governance issues of which slavery was one. If potential risks are identified, we will address these risks with the supplier and, where we are not satisfied with compliance, we will consider terminating our contract.

Relevant Policies

Marketing Signals is legally compliant with all relevant employment legislation. We ensure fairness in the resourcing and advancement of all employees, both permanent and temporary, without discrimination.

All our Policies apply across Marketing Signals; our Corporate Social Responsibility, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety, Labour & Human Rights, Code of Ethics and Whistleblowing Policies, demonstrate Marketing Signals’s commitment to conduct business in a responsible and ethical manner and ensure our employees receive the duty of care they deserve. We expect all suppliers with whom we work to uphold the same standards.

Due Diligence

All new suppliers are required to provide written confirmation that they are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. If they are unable to provide a written statement, we will review whether the Supplier is to be invited to enter a contractual relationship with Marketing Signals.

Training and Awareness

In order to ensure awareness and a high level of understanding of Marketing Signals’s zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, dedicated training is provided for all employees; this ensures all required are trained in implementing our policies and identifying forced labour in practice.


We track the number of suspected cases of slavery that are reported through our Whistleblowing procedure and ensure that all of them are investigated at Exec level.

Ongoing improvement

We have made the following improvements in the last 12 months:

  • To increase and raise further awareness across the organisation.
  • Requested ESG reporting including slavery from our largest suppliers.
  • Implement a process to ensure we are tracking the number of our largest suppliers who do not have an anti-slavery statement on their website.
  • Board Approval

This statement has been signed by the Managing Director on behalf of the Board of Directors. The statement will be reviewed and updated as appropriate on an annual basis.

Gareth Hoyle
Managing Director
January 2024

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